Thursday, August 8, 2013

Briana's Poems

Swing Poem


A tree,
a swing,
relaxed, thoughtful.
A lovely place to sit.
Leaves rustling,
branches swaying,
sun shimmering through the trees.

A free verse from Isabelle

Jetski Poem


loud big waves
water spashing
hot sand
burning hot feet
squeaky seagulls
prickly sand on feet
and zoom the jetski went.

A free verse poem by Barnie

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Week 2 Current Events

Today, Abbie brought in an article that relates to our topic. She shared a website about how to recycle old TVs. We learnt why it is important  and what happens to all the different components (parts).

The website is:

The new vocabulary we focused on was:

We then had some interesting questions. Maybe you would like to share what you have learnt or a wonder statement.....